Why am I facing Git issues (pushing)?
If you push the code without resolving merge conflicts you will face an error indicating pending merge conflicts. You must go into the files and resolve those conflicts before trying to do git add -> commit -> push.
Why is my pushed code not showing in the repository/ Why is my assessment not being displayed?
We have multiple assessments, corresponding to each module on each ME or micro-experience and we differentiate between them using our metadata.json file inside of the __CRIO__ folder in each project repository. It is essential that the JSON file have data corresponding to the module for the assessment process to successfully take place.
You can check if you have the correct metadata for your ME if after pushing your code, the assessment tabs looks something like:
and not like:
Why is my build running successfully yet assessment fails?
Build may run successfully, yet there are certain metrics on which we assess your code. Do check with logs and inputs and find out any discrepancies in your code and resolve them.
Why can't I see 'run and debug' options on the workspace ?
The JAVA on the VM loads slower than on a local machine since we are running it on a cloud. Do be patient and keep an eye on the bottom right of the workspace where the loading icon is present.Once it is fully loaded, you will be able to see the run and debug inline options inside the vs code workspace.
I am unable to resolve merge conflicts
Merge conflicts can be resolved using a simple logic- choosing which current code to keep and which incoming code to replace them with. Assess each conflict minutely and resolve them mindfully.
How do I access my repository at gitlab?
You can go to gitlab.crio.do and check in with your Crio registered google id to see all your repositories and stubs. You can find your remote repositories and progress and can access and edit your files there as well.
It shows that 'cannot clone into an already existing repository'
Any git repository is signified with a .git file in the current repository. Deleting the .git file will essentially remove the repository from your local machine and let you clone in another one. However that would mean you would lose any progress made in that particular local repository.
What is an SSH key?
An SSH key is an access credential for the SSH (secure shell) network protocol. This authenticated and encrypted secure network protocol is used for remote communication between machines on an unsecured open network.
How do I use the SSH key?
In case you find that there is no remote to your current repository added (Use 'git remote -v' to check)... you can add the remote manually following these below steps
1. Go to gitlab.crio.do and enter your credentials.
2. Go to the home tab -> your projects.
3. Select your current repository.
4. Click on clone -> copy SSH key
5. Inside your workspace, open a terminal and type 'git remote add origin <insert SSH key>
Now you can use origin to pull/push as you prefer!
What does a 'git status' do?
The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It lets you see which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren't being tracked by Git. Status output does not show you any information regarding the committed project history. For this, you need to use git log command.
What is gradle?
Gradle is a build automation tool for multi-language software development. It controls the development process in the tasks of compilation and packaging to testing, deployment, and publishing. Gradle makes few assumptions about what you're trying to build or how to build it. This makes Gradle particularly flexible.
What is the git workflow?
We use git add inorder to add the code to the staging area and prepare the files for commiting. Once the files are committed we are ready to push them to the remote repository. We use git push inorder to push the committed files to the repository.
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